Polecat Quartet Competition

On January 30, The Miamians held a Polecat Quartet Competition (a “polecat” song is one that every Barbershopper knows). Members organized themselves in quartets and selected and performed one of the polecat songs from a published list (once a song was selected, no other quartet could sing it). Basically, it was a chance to have fun, sing in a quartet, and for some, try out voice parts they don’t usually sing.

Quartet NameMembersSongRank
Brewhouse FourDom(L), Alex(T), Mike(Ba), Randy(Bs)My Wild Irish Rose3rd
Prime TimeGene(L), Rich(T), Scott (Ba), Bill (Bs)Wait ‘Til the Sun Shines, Nellie1st
A1C Under 7Bruce(L), Rich(T), Randy (Ba), Enrique (Bs)Sweet and Lovely
Good BlendishRoberto(L), Rich(T), Steve(Ba), Dom(Bs)Down Our Way2nd
Roses’ ThornsJim(L), Enrie(T), Randy(Ba), Enrique(Bs)Sweet, Sweet Roses of Morn
The BariMetricDon(L), Zach(T), Mike(Ba), Randy(Bs)The Story of the Rose (Heart of My Heart)
Work in ProgressWes(L), Jake(T), David(Ba), Mike(Bs)Down By the Old Mill Stream
Prime Time (Scott, Bill, Gene, Rich) performing “Wait ‘Til The Sun Shines, Nellie” for the Polecat Quartet Competition January 30
Prime Time (Scott, Bill, Gene, Rich) performing “Wait ‘Til The Sun Shines, Nellie” for the Polecat Quartet Competition January 30

Note: longtime member Gene, seen in the video above, passed away February 14. 2024. We will miss him.


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