As a music organization and a community service organization, we strive to make our music available to ALL members of our South Florida community…
Lighthouse of Broward Theater Outing at the Broward Center.

Dolores Hanley McDiarmid & Maria Carla Rosales from the Lighthouse, Matthew Kaskel, Eddie Mejia, Alex Rubin & Kevin Mendez of the Miamians
Among the 500-plus audience members enjoying “Barbershop Harmony Salutes the Cowboy”, we were happy to have 50 clients, staff members and volunteers of the Lighthouse of Broward as our guests at our April 19, 2014 performances. We look forward to being able to make an evening of Barbershop music become a fixture on the Lighthouse’s annual calendar of events.
Temple Beth Emet’s “Nosh Fest” Foodbank Benefit.

A group of men from the Miamians strolled through the visiting guests and entertained at the 2104 Temple Beth Emet Nosh Festival, helping to raise money for three local food banks. Here you see some of the delicious food being prepared that was featured at the annual fundraising benefit.
Friendship Circle Miami “Walking 4 Friendship” Fundraiser

The Friendship Circle Miami a non-profit, community based volunteer organization dedicated to offering friendship and acceptance to children with special needs regardless of their disability while empowering teenage volunteers by building their leadership skills as we foster the values of altruism and volunteerism.
“Grant Miller and I were among the more than 1,000 children, teens, parents, grandparents and supporters who walked in the fourth annual Walking 4 Friendship on Sunday, Feb. 10. The 3K Walk and Carnival in Kendall benefited the Friendship Circle, a group that offers amazing programs for children with special needs. It was so rewarding to see the happy faces of the children and families whose lives are touched by the activities and programs of the Friendship Circle, and the many teenage volunteers who are the lifeblood of the program’s success.The barbershop quartet style-chorus, the Singing Miamians, was a big hit with the crowd.”
Four Chaplains Memorial Celebration

The Miamians once again participated in the memorial celebration sonsored by Dr. Robert Pickard, the National Commander of the Jewish War Veterans of the USA.
Each year Dr. Robert Pickard, a resident of Miami and the National Commander of the Jewish War Veterans of the USA hosts the ceremony by inviting four religious leaders from four different faith traditions to commemorate the bravery of the Four Chaplains who gave their lives so that other soldiers might live.
Dear Matt and the Miamians,
Thank you so much for participating once again in our annual 4 Chaplains Event. Your music and lively personalities made the day! I look forward to next year when we hope to be at Granada Presbyterian Church in Coral Gables. Keep singing and keep your feet tapping. You guys are great!
Robert E Pickard, M.D.
Brandeis National Committee Library & Scholarship Fundraiser

A quartet of “senior” Miamians and a quartet of “young” Miamians entertained at a luncheon fundraiser at Temple Judea, in Coral Gables.
We gave a program explaining and demonstrating some “Barbershop Basics” and proudly showed off the high quality quartet of young singers that the Miamians are fostering in it’s educational programs.
“ I am writing on behalf of the Brandeis National Committee South Dade Chapter to express our great appreciation to you for the Miami Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society performance. Over 100 Brandeis members and friends attended our Showcase Luncheon and your members absolutely “wowed” our audience…
We also want to congratulate you on giving young people this wonderful opportunity to develop and expand their Barbershop harmony skills. We are indeed fortunate to have such talented and unique entertainers and lool forward to enjoying future Miami Chapter’s performances.”
Lili Pons, Program Chair, Brandeis National Committee South Dade Chapter
PapsCorps Cancer Fundraiser for the Sylvester Cancer

The Miamians under the direction of Alex Rubin entertained at a large fundraising luncheon at the Killian Pines Country Club.
“My phone has been ringing off the hook with everyone calling to rave about the Miamians’ performance yesterday. It was almost impossible to get everyone’s attention after the conclusion of your concert; so many people wanted to converse with the singers. It was truly a fabulous morning, and we so appreciate your helping us to raise money for cancer research.”
Fran Gross, Pap Corps Cancer Research Fund Raiser
Great Miami Chamber of Commerce Miltary Service Person of the Year Banquet

Staff Sergeant Ronald Gene Wheeler, Special Operations Command South, Homestead Air Reserve Base; Petty Officer First Class Anthony Marcellus Gilpin, United States Navy, United States Southern Command; Petty Officer Leslie A. Morales, United States Coast Guard, Seventh Coast Guard District; Vice Admiral Harry B. Harris, Jr, United States Navy, Assistant to the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; Sergeant Aisha S. Shapiro, United States Marine Corps, United States Marine Corps Forces, South; Sergeant Mervin L. Leonor, United States Army, United States Army Recruiting Battalion, Miami; and Senior Airman Anthony A. Alvarez, United States Air Force, Homestead Air Reserve Base
Dear Matthew and Alex:
“THANK YOU” from the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce! Everyone truly enjoyed your outstanding performances today. The participation of the Miamians helped make today a great success. Without your patriotic music, the ceremony would have been less exciting and somewhat uninspiring. Hope to work with you in the future.
The Miamians exemplify “community service”…..
Don Slesnick, Greater Miami Chamber’s Military Affairs Committee Chairman
Miami Lighthouse Workshop
In January 2014, a group of Miamians members led by the Miamians head choral director, Alex Rubin, visited and conducted a workshop for students at the Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

POSTSCRIPT: Since our visit, one of the Miamians’ assistant choral directors, Kevin Mendez, has assumed a full-time position at the Lighthouse as the Music Production Program Coordinator. Our congratulations to both Kevin and the Lighthouse!
Pinecrest Pioneers Luncheon
The Miamians entertain at a number of community social and fundraising functions; at the Pinecrest Pioneers’s luncheon.
On Wednesday, June 4, 2014, a group of ten Miamians members attended and entertained at the annual “Pinecrest Pioneers” luncheon that The Village of Pinecrest each year to honor the many long-term residents of the Village. A lovely buffet luncheon was provided for about 60 guests, including 10 guests who had attained their 90th year of age…