The Miamians are fortune to have a wonderful staff and musical leaders with a diverse set of skills and abilities. All our leaders have many years of successful competitive barbershop experience.

Alex Rubin
Alex starting barbershopping over thirty years ago and has been the director of the Miamians since 2013. In addition to directing the Miamians, Alex directs two other barbershop ensembles in South Florida and sings Baritone in Throwback, the 2022 Barbershop Harmony Society Bronze medalist quartet.

Eddie Mejia
A Barbershopper for 20 years and a Miamian for 15. Eddie has sung, not only with the Miamians, but also with other Barbershop Choruses like the Sunshine Chordsmen and THX, as well as with several renowned quartets, competing on the Barbershop Harmony Society’s “International Stage” at their annual International Quartet Competitions.